Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend :)




C.S Lewis’s words : Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .these beautiful lines though intended to be comical hit a deeper nerve .All of us have friends , most of us have good friends and few have best friends.Mark Twain has rightly said : Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. So you may indeed be a billionaire , but ideality in life can only be achieved be making friends and imagining a future involving them. The truth is that getting hurt is inevitable , you are bound to get hurt in one or the other stage of your life by ‘everyone’ and by everyone I mean friends as well but the real art of surviving is finding friends who are worth suffering for. Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy , like art ..It has nil survival values rather it is one of the things which give value to survival. You may not understand the value of friends and friendship in your days of mirth but ultimately you do get to feel the power of friendship when you feel like sitting alone in a dark room thinking of all the ways to end your miserable life and you have that one particular person who keeps on bugging you and talking of all the crap you can’t stop laughing at

Here I have introduced a short poem which may or may not relate to your lives but is all I have found about friendship that is worth sharing.


  • It hasn’t been long

  • Since you started tagging along .
    A gift I had never surmised,
    An ally I had never envisaged.
    I had walls built all around me,
    You cared enough to break me free.
    You taught me to smile,
    And have faith on time.
    You sang a happy song,
    When everything in life seemed wrong.
    When my world was dark and empty,
    You lifted me up and guided my destiny.
    Your optimism knows no bound,
    Your spirit cannot be confound.
    You had seen me at my worst,
    Yet said I was the best.
    You shared my pain when i was crying,
    You wished for me when i was hurting.
    When I procrastinated hopelessly,
    You gave me the push I needed desperately.
    You are someone who can see the pain,
    When all i do is fool people again and again.
    Everything you mean to me
    you could never come to know,
    In all the ways you have changed my life
    I would never be able to show.
    I may have not been a good companion,
    But I will be there whether u need me or not.
    Now I know I need not worry because;
    I have a forever friend,
    And forever has no end.

  •                                  Guys friendship is not about the duration for which you have known a person , it’s not about the start you had with the person , it is about who came and never left your side. At one time or the other you may feel stronger attachment for one friend or the other , it doesn’t matter .All that matters is that you play your part as a good friend , cherishing all the people who are ready to stand by your side even at your ugliest behaviours. In friendship you hang on , stay connected , fight for them , fight with them and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away , don’t be distracted , don’t be too busy or tired and don’t ever take friends for granted . Friends are part of the glue that helps hold life and faith together. Friendship is like money, easier made than kept so be slow to fall into friendship but when you are in , continue firm and constant. We all have families that we are born into but friends are family you yourself choose for yourselves
  •                                  So guys go ahead and find your true friends because friendship makes the mathematics of life simpler .True friendship multiplies the happiness in life and divides the sorrows.

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